A couple of tidbits about today’s strip that you all might find interesting:

  1. In the first panel, The Bus Stop was a local bar I used to hand out in a lot at Radford University. My college room mate’s band played there quite frequently there as well. I thought it would be a nice tough to throw it in there when I realized I needed a bar name.
  2. The DJ IS Wolfman Jack… but he’s based off of an old stylized caricature I did of Wolfman for a web video and animation project I did at my former company. When I realized I needed a DJ for this strip, I went back into all of my old art files from that company and found the illustration of Wolfman that I did and used that as reference for re-drawing him in today’s strip.

Where was I this weekend?

I spent all day Saturday hawking my books, artwork, sketch cards and anything else I could peddle at the Wilson Mall in Wilson, North Carolina. Unfortunately, the Wilson Mall was practically a dead mall. We were in a section where there was only three stores open – all the other stores were completely shut down and chained up. Even though small food court they had there was nothing but deserted food joints.

In some ways, it was actually a little scary because, when I was a teenager, I used to hang out in a mall ALL THE TIME. But it seems these days, the Wilson Mall has joined so many other malls around the USA that have either shut their doors completely or they are on the verge of doing so. Unfortunately, the

Needless to say, I didn’t sell a whole lot of stuff. You need people in large groups in order to be able to make large sales and, sadly, that just wasn’t the case at all on Saturday. BUT… I had a great time hanging out and sharing a hotel room with Bill McKay and Dan Nokes. Also, it was great to have Louis Small Jr. invite me to the event. I just wished there would have been more people walking the mall and willing to buy original art.
