[UPDATE: A big thanks to reader Chris for pointing out that I had misspelled “infatuation” in this strip. It should now appear correct if you refresh your browser.]

About a week or so ago, I mentioned on Facebook and a couple of other places that I was starting to get an itch to delve in to more character-based strips with Capes & Babes. I figured enough time has gone by that it was time to start really exploring and explaining Joey and Marc’s relationship… are they together? Are they just good friends? Are they FWBs?

I don’t know all the answers to those questions so I was anxious to start writing and learning about them myself – but I kept holding back because I was always afraid of switching gears and going for a more “serious” tone in the strip. And maybe there was a great reluctance on my part precisely because I didn’t have the answers to all those questions… just an inkling of where I wanted to go with them.

The strange thing is… writing today’s strip, those answers suddenly hit me. That happens sometimes when you’re writing… when you least expect it, answers to your most troubling questions suddenly appear out of nowhere.

I now know where and how Marc and Joey met and what makes them click.

I hope you’re anxious to find out those things as well so we both can enjoy this crazy train ride together.