Many of you all know that this weekend, my family and I traveled to Virginia Beach to participate in my son’s Little League Challenger’s Division Wold Series Jamboree. Our last game was this morning at 10:30am so… the ORIGINAL plan was for us to finish our last game, go to the beach for a few hours and leave at a relatively early time so we could be back home around 7:00-7:30ish. That would have been plenty of time to chill out for a bit, unpack Mom’s van and then get cracking on finishing up the original strip I started on Thursday (but never got to finish because of my daughter’s art gala even in which she designed the front cover for the vent).

Now, ordinarily – under idea conditions – the trip to and from Virginia Beach USUALLY takes us about 3 hours or so. Today, it DOUBLED that. The average speed all the way home was usually roughly around 40 mph. Needless to say, you’re reading a blog written by one tired dad.

So, instead of an original strip for today, I am posting the FULL-COLOR guest strip I did for Danielle Corsetto a few weeks ago. I believe in one of her blog posts she said she was going to be linking or listing all 138 or so people who sent her a guest strip on her own site today so, in a way I suppose, it might not be such a bad thing to post the guest strip I did for her. I hope you guys dig it.

And, if you’re coming to this site from Danielle’s website, welcome to Capes & Babes. Please feel free to peruse the archives. I hope you like what you see and keep coming back every other day to find something new at Capes & Babes.