Not to be confused with that great 80’s John Cusack classic, The Sure Thing…

I have to give a special thinks to my friend and co-worker, Allen, for allowing me to put him in today’s strip and embellishing a little “friendly bet” we had a few weeks ago about Batman versus The Avengers at the box office. In all fairness to Allen, I keep telling him that it still might be possible that the last Nolan/Bale Batman movie might equal what The Avengers is currently doing at the box office.

Doubtful but who knows…

Now, if that happens, I’ll just have have to make a sequel to this particular strip.

Where I’ll be this weekend…

Unfortunately, I WON’T be at the very first Sci-fi con in Waldorf, Maryland this weekend. I was hoping to go but I had a conflict in my schedule. Instead, I’ll be at Virginia Beach attending and helping out with the Little League Challenger’s Jamboree. It’s a great event that runs the entire Mother’s Day Weekend. There will be a strip posted on Friday – we’re not leaving until later that evening – but I’m not sure about Monday. We usually get home late in the evening on Sunday night so I’ll have to play Monday’s strip by ear. If worse comes to worse, I might run the Girls with Slingshots strip I sent to Danielle when she was asking for guest strips. It’s in 100% full color and I know Danielle says she was planning on posting links to all of her 130 or so guest strips she received but of you guys are interested in seeing mine, let me know.

In any case, I plan on posting lots of pictures on Monday (or a little later on next week).

Once again, thanks Allen for being such a great sport.