If you didn’t know it already, yeah, Alex O’Loughlin is really Australian. He does a real good job hiding his accent but if you really want to see a movie where he doesn’t have to hide it, go rent August Rush. He only has a bit part in it but his character is supposed to be Irish (I think). I know, I know… Irish is WAY off than Australian but they are way more similar than American and Australian, right?

Okay so now for some quick announcements…

Pittsburgh Comic-Con

The show is April 20 – 22 but I will be in town on the 19th if anyone else is planning on attending the show. Maybe we can have a meet-up on one of those days. If you’re interested and you’re planning on attending the show, leave a message in the Comments section and we’ll see what we can do. I’ll have more information and free give-away information in the coming days.

Volume 3 Status

Volume 3, titled THAT’S why you can’t print FLICK is coming together. The book is about 90% complete. So what’s the hold up you might ask? Well, the Roy Gallery portion of the Extras section is the hold up.

For those that don’t know, the third volume will feature an exclusive section of Roy illustrations done by my friends who have been so gracious and willing to send me some really awesome renditions of Roy doing all sorts of crazy things. I left it up to each individual artist to do whatever they wanted to do. The illustrations will be a book exclusive – meaning, I don’t plan to post them anywhere except in the book.

But even though that might be the case, that doesn’t mean I can’t tell you everyone who has contributed an illustration so far. here they are:

Chris Otto, Chris Watkins, Dan Nokes, David Hindelang, Dawn Griffin, Donald Poquiz, Joe Combs, Scott Lincoln, Tyler James – and the one artist I think I’m the most excited about – my daughter, Dani.

I’m still waiting on some Roy illustrations to pop up in my in-box so hopefully, they show up soon. If you’re interested in participating, the time is getting real tight… I can only wait maybe one more week… but if you want to send me a Roy illustration, I would be happy to put it in the book. Here are the guidelines:

Subject matter: Drawing your own interpretation of Roy, my werewolf character
Size: 8×8″
Greyscale or black and white
Must be 300 dpi or greater
Must be saved in the following formats: PSD, PDF, Illustrator, TIFF, EPS
Also include a very SHORT bio of yourself so I can also include in the book and give you proper credit.

Everyone who has so far sent me something will get a hi resolution print PDF of the book once it is completed.