Folks, my apologies for the filler strip for today but as the strip above says, after the Annapolis Comic-Con two day show, my right hand needs a little break – FROM SKETCHING you sick, sick, werewolves! I estimated that I dis close to 20 caricature sketch cards this entire weekend – maybe even a little more. I really appreciate everyone that braved the crappy weather and came to the show. The Annapolis Comic-Con gang treated all of the guests and artists fantastic and they did a terrific job promoting the show. The foot traffic was tremendous and, as my right hand will attest, you all really dig original art.

Thanks to all of you who bought both books as well. It looks like I might actually have to re-stock before I head to Pittsburgh in a few weeks. I also want to thank my good friends, John and Rick for sharing their home with me and Dani this weekend (and for guiding me through the maze of Annapolis).

Unfortunately, I spent so much time actually drawing that I didn’t get to take a whole lot of pictures (yes, I was THAT busy) but the few pictures I did take, I’ll post on Wednesday. In the mean time, I thought I’d do something I’ve never done in this Blog post before… I thought I’d list some of the highlights from this weekend. Consider it a weekend snapshot, if you will…

Best moment of the weekend:
Sharing the convention experience with my daughter, Dani. Dani was with me at Katsucon but she was there mostly to enjoy the show itself. For the Annapolis show, she was at my table almost the entire time and even did some sketch cards by request as well.

Best moment of the weekend II:
stumbling on to the Double T Dinner, having a great burger with my daughter and playing music on our own personal booth jukebox. Lucky I had enough quarters.

Funniest line of the weekend (from my daughter after eating at the Double T Dinner):
Dani: “Now that we’ve eaten, I’m not nearly as hungry as I was before…” (she meant to say “tired”).

Funny moment of the weekend:
Watching the reactions of Rick and John as we watched Kick-Ass Saturday night.

Funniest (ironic?) moment of the weekend driving to the Sunday show from John and Rick’s place:
Dani: I want to bring my laptop in to the convention today and draw with it, Dad.
Me: Okay but just remember, you have to make sure it’s with you at all times…
(five minutes later, I get a call from John on my cell phone as we are about twenty minutes down the road)
John: Uh Chris, you left your backpack with your iPad here…

Not fun moment of the weekend:
Getting LOST from John and Rick’s place trying to get back to the Annapolis show on Sunday morning. Twice!

Most awesome discovery this weekend:
My new cell phone has a GPS system that works just like the Tom-Tom I couldn’t find on Saturday morning before leaving for the show.

The worst thing about the show:
Sitting directly under the heating vent in convention room.

The second worst thing about the show:
Not being able to pick up any internet connection in the convention room due to all the heating pipes directly above me.

The best thing about the show:
That the first and second worst things didn’t matter. I got adjusted to the heat and many people were willing to go to an ATM machine in order to get cash for those of use that couldn’t use our Square credit card devices.

There’s sooooooo many more great little snippets but maybe I’ll continue them on Wednesday.