Yeah… if only Dick Blick actually SOLD an “art-studio=in-a-box” kit. I would be asking for that EVERY Christmas!

Wanna help support Capes & Babes?

Okay, I imagine that this holiday season was pretty tight for a lot of us – my family included. That being said though, we artists types all have to find some creative ways to earn those good ol’ George Washington’s so that we can buy art supplies, keep our webcomic sites alive or finance trips to our favorite conventions so we can sell our books, t-shirts and prints.

Well folks, that’s sort of where I am right now. But… I don;t just want to stick up a gaudy Paypal donation button and plead for funds. Instead, I want to offer something that not only might be fun but that you all might find useful as well. Now, every month, Smashing Magazine offers free wallpaper calendars for their visitors. They are free because a month prior, they ask for submissions from their readers to submit entries for their wallpaper calendar project and, at the end of each month. Smashing Magazine chooses the best ones for the following month.

In other words, in May, they will have a call for entries for their June Calendar wallpapers and, on June 1st, they offer all the best submissions they got in May.

Every wallpaper has a calendar and the Smashing Magazine logo but you can also download each wallpaper without the calendar. I always thought this was a super idea so I wanted to do something similar – but different.

Since I’m not holding a contest or having an open call for submissions, I would like to know if YOU – the reader – would be willing to make a donation for any amount for a Capes & Babes wallpaper calendar each month? The wallpaper would have a specific Capes & Babes character doing something that depicts aspects of each month.

If this is something you would be interested in supporting, what wallpaper dimensions should I offer? If you can share your thoughts and wallpaper dimensions in the comments section, that would be greatly appreciated.
