I have a bit of a confession to make… it’s been a couple of months now and I’m really beginning to miss recording The Lightbox – Illuminating Webcomics Podcast with Matt Stout.

For those that might be wondering, Matt and I put the Lightbox podcast on hiatus due to Matt’s impending fatherhood a few months ago… and, even though I know Matt has really been enjoying his new role as dad (you should check out his Facebook page), I find I’m actually kind of missing pretending to be a know-it-all and broadcasting with little bit of 25+ years of graphic design, web design, illustration and cartooning knowledge that I have.

I know many people have enjoyed listening to Matt and I chit-chat about our love of webcomics and my experiences going to various cons. I say that only because, since starting the podcast, I would get multiple compliments from our listeners that happened to be attending the same conventions I was attending as an exhibitor.

I have a lot on my plate right now in terms of a couple of freelance projects and getting ready for AnimeUSA (more on that in just a second) but I’m still hopeful that Matt will soon be able to start recording again. In the mean time, if anyone is looking for either a guest or possibly even a fill-in host for their own podcast, please let me know as I happen to be QUITE familiar with a dude who would be grateful to lend his voice to your cause. Just send me an email at: capesnbabes [at] gmail.com

I’ll be at AnimeUSA in a couple of weeks…

On November 18 – 20th, I will be in Crystal City, Virginia attending AnimeUSA. This will be my very first anime show as an exhibitor so I’m hoping Roy and the gang will be a big hit with everyone there.

If you purchased my 2011 Capes & Babes calendar, please be aware that the AnimeUSA event is not listed on the calendar. I got invited to the show a few months after I had already printed the calendar.

I’m really looking forward to this show and hope to see all of you there!
