Folks, this is going to be a very short blog post today. Lots of crazy stuff going on in the Flick household tonight…
First, my daughter and wife had a Parents “Meet and greet” at my daughter’s high school. I would have gone but someone needed to stay at home with my son, Tyler. No problems there but there was no way I was going to get any work done during that time.

Then the rains came.

And came.

And came.

My sister in-law’s trailer park complex got flooded and the cops literally were paddling canoes down her street trying to get people to leave. She was able to make it over to our place where we helped dog sit her two dog. Five dogs in one household with sheets of rain coming down… again, not conducive for any creative cartooning work to be able to get done.

But finally it is done. And now I’m hitting the sack. Good night everyone. Here’s hoping it’s dry where ever YOU are.
