So here is the strip featuring my friend, Stephen Burks – one of the two creators of the web comic strip Our Last Gasp. David Hindelang is the other creator behind Our Last Gasp. You should also take a moment and check out their other web site as well – Iconographic Studios.

I saw Stephen and David at the VA Comic Con a week after Heroes and told Stephen I was going to put him in the strip. You see, today’s strip – at least the very beginning of it – IS based on a very real conversation Stephen I had one morning in the hotel lobby we were both staying at while at Heroes Con. I caught Stephen in the lobby early one morning as he was coming back from an even earlier breakfast. I was looking for a good place too so I asked him where he went and he basically said everything to me that he says to Roy in the third panel of today’s strip.

And even though the rest of the story is highly embellished and exaggerated (as you have come to expect from me), the Midnight Diner WAS actually located right around the corner from a strip club.

I truly don’t know if I would have found that diner if Stephen hadn’t mentioned that very specific detail…