You might be wondering why I am doing so many of these “You Might Be…” strips. Well, the truth of the matter is… there’s a few reasons:

  1. They are pretty easy and fast to do
  2. I had a ton of great suggestions and responses when I made my original Facebook post
  3. They literally keep writing themselves
  4. My friends – whether they wish it or are doing it on purpose – keep giving me great ideas

The last one is proof positive with regards to my really great friend, Ulysses E. Campbell. Really, he should get most of the credit for today’s strip as he posted theat the thrid panel in today’s strip actually happened to him so I couldn’t resist adding it to this Jeff Howlworthy series of strips.

As for Alanis… man, she just can’t catch a break when it comes to anything related to “irony”, can she?  😉