Whoa… well will you look at that… a new strip up on Capes & Babes!

I guess Marc is probably glad he didn’t click the video chat button on Fangbook, huh?

And for those of you that don’t know who Badger McDegan is, here is a link to refresh your memory:

Badger is a male…um… entertainer who has a severe aversion to clothing. But apparently a fanny pack and sandals are okay.

As far as where are any other Capes & Babes strips? Well, I am working on them and I will write up a much bigger blog post about why the characters in the land of Capes & Babes haven’t been around. In a nutshell, I have been busy. Very, very busy. Both on a professional design level and with a lot of personal things in my life. Nothing is wrong. In fact, it is the opposite but when too many things land on your plate, the strip is always the first to be sacrificed.

But I am still around. Marc is still around. So is Joey and Roni. And Roy is absolutely around. I guarantee it. Just keep looking here. I haven’t gone anywhere and don’t plan to either!