I will probably have a much, much longer post about this once the new strips start appearing in February. I originally had the idea of returning to regular strips this month (January) but I decided that I would hold off so I could build up a buffer again. I have already written and penciled several strips so I have a little bit of a head start but want more of a leeway so I am not constantly trying to play “catch up” once the new strips re-launch.

I am also trying to get used to Comic Easel as well – a little necessity after my site was hacked back in December. Fortunately, with Frump = and a few other people as well – I was able to get back online relatively pain free but it also meant migrating the site to Comic Easel child theme instead of the old Comic Press child theme.

When the strip returns in February, you’re going to discover exactly where all the gang were and what was happening while there weren’t any strips appearing on the site. Here’s hoping 2015 will bring an even greater appreciation to Capes & Babes.

Thanks everybody for sticking around and allowing me this much needed time off. I will also explain why I had to go on hiatus as well once the regular strips strat appearing once again.

So, stay tuned for me very, very soon!