You might be wondering why Roni has blue lips in that second panel. Well, it’s because she is sucking (no pun intended) on a Raspberry Slurpee. Now, why a Raspberry Slurpee is always light blue, well, that one is beyond me – but now you all know one of Roni’s big weakness.

Are you on Strava?

Strava is a biking and running iPhone app – I’m not sure if they have a Droid version or not. Anyway, the Strava app has been recording all of my bike rides I’ve recently been doing. It’s a pretty cool free app with a premium option. I’m just using the free portion at the moment.

The reason I bring this up is… if you DO have the app and you wish to follow me, you can find and follow me on Strava as “Chris Flick”. Here’s their link, if you’re interested in learning more: