My wife and I went to go see A Good Day To Die Hard tonight. It was a post-Valentine’s date since I was getting ready for Katsucon 19 last week – and besides, we tend to celebrate Valentine’s Day either a week early or a week late. We figure it’s a Hallmark contrived “holiday” anyway so why not contrive our own celebration by avoiding huge crowds at the theater or local restaurants, right?

Anyway, it works for us.

As far as the movie goes, it was an enjoyable popcorn movie but not one of the best Die Hard’s. The original is still the best (and probably always will be). Most people might say it’s a really good rental movie and they’d probably be right. But I have to tell you all… the Melissa McCarthy-Sandra Bullock cop movie that will soon be coming out looks REALLY fun and comical.

In the mean time though, since it’s so late right now, I’ll post all of my Katsucon photos (including a couple of my daughter and her friends at Homestuck characters) on Friday’s blog post.

In the mean time, try to avoid going out with Taylor Swift…