Well folks, as you can see, there wasn’t an update on Monday mainly because of two reasons:

  1. Awesome Con 2016 lived up to its name once again and was truly AWESOME
  2. But it was so awesome, I let my immune system get a little too low by not properly eating on Sunday and started developing a sinus infection later on that night. Spent most of Monday working it out but it just kept getting worse, so I ended up taking medication and sleeping it off.

Still kind of incredibly tired and still riding a wave of excitement over last weekend’s show – so I am equally tired but filled with a lot of energy. It’s sort of like waves in the ocean. One hour I’m up, the next hour I’m feeling the infection trying to take back hold.

So, for now, this is going to be a short blog post and I’m heading off to bed this Tuesday night at 10:30pm.

Photos and videos of the show will be coming soon.