Aitch Cee (aka Harry Crosland) makes another appearance in today’s Capes & Babes.

Actually, Harry wanted me to elaborate a little bit more from his second panel in Monday’s strip. Harry basically wrote the second panel in today’s strip but I did edit it a bit by changing all the “you’s” to “we’s” as it fit just a little bit more in terms of where I am going with this strip. Plus, I wanted Aitch Cee to be a little more like Mister Roger’s and it seemed to me that Mr. Rogers would be more likely to use “we” when he really meant “you”.

And this strip actually is a very, very nice tie-in to what is about to happen next.

So… if you’ve hung around long enough through the “back to the Hiatus” set-up, this is where the meat of the story arch begins. I hope you enjoy it. It’s not going to be your typical Capes & Babes stuff, that’s for sure!