Okay… so you all wanna see what project has been keeping me from updating this strip?

The U.S. Department of State just recently launched this site in New Zealand… soon, this same look and feel will be migrated to ALL of the US Embassies around the world. Super proud of the work I did on this and the teams I worked with to get this accomplished. It really has taught me a lot about responsive design since everything has to work on all kinds of mobile devices.

So, if you’re a U.S. citizen traveling to New Zealand – maybe to see some Hobbits – and some mean, nasty Orcs happen to steam your passport or Visa, you can go directly to https://nz.usembassy.gov/ and find out all of the information you need.

And, while you’re there. you’ll see a ton of my design work.  🙂

Here’s a screenshot of what the home page looks like, by the way:

Screen Shot 2015-09-15 at 7.00.18 PM