I could have titled this strip many things but “Redeeming Qualities” just seemed to fit. Hopefully, people will read this strip and get the irony of Red being a hypocrite…

Just seems to me that there’s a whole lot of judging going on out in the world today and, conveniently, all the mirrors seems to be suddenly missing.

It’s real easy to judge someone when we don’t have to look at ourselves in the mirror and see our own flaws.
That’s what this current storyline is all about. When I finish this current story arch, I’ll write about exactly what “inspired” these strip ideas but right now, I’m trying to write these strips in such a way that many people can relate to Roy or how Roy might be feeling right now.

Of course, once people discover why and how this story arch all started, they may feel differently. Heck, by the time I finish these strips, I also may feel completely different as well. Heck, I’ve already changed the dialog on a couple of these strips already so who knows… maybe I’ll change myself as well.

We’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?