Okay, just got home from the Baltimore Comicon (#bcc on Twitter) a few hours ago. There is SOOOOOOO much I have to say about the best two-day show I’ve ever had thus far since starting Capes & Babes but I will have to edit this posting tomorrow.

Right now, I’m chilling out with a couple of Mike’s Hard Lemonades (I don’t have to go to work tomorrow – YIPEE!) but I still wanted to post a quick cartoon for tomorrow’s strip. A longer Baltimore Comicon post will appear tomorrow but for now, here are some highlights:

1) Having my daughter at the show with her friend (sorry for any craziness they might have caused to other fellow BCC artists – they are only 14 but that’s still no excuse. Thank all you Artist Alley artist that had a good attitude about their, ummm… enthusiasm.

2) Meeting and talking to Lar from Least I Can Do.

3) Hanging with the Web Planet Collective at dinner Saturday night. Congrats on the Florida win, Ken (Rick the Stick).

4) Giving Scott Kurtz a copy of my book. Hey, he was one of the guys who said I should start doing strips with my own characters three years ago at Baltimore Comicon so I figured it was only right to do so.

5) Seeing my old art school buddy John Dimes and shocking him as I called out his name (as he was walking aimlessly by my table no less…)

6) And lastly, to all of you that attended Baltimore and were supportive enough to buy something from me, commission a sketch from me or purchase the book. Thanks to all of you, this has been my best con ever!!!


Chris Flick